Free Wills

Our charity is a member of the National Free Wills Network, an organisation of over 50 charities that offers supporters the opportunity to write a new simple Will, or amend a current Will. This service is completely free of charge to the supporter as the cost of each Will is covered by our charity.

This offer is open to anyone over the age of 21 and allows for the writing of ‘simple Wills’, which are Wills that do not have to deal with complex issues. We hope you will take this opportunity to make provisions for loved ones, but also consider leaving a gift to support the work of our hospital for generations to come – although there is no obligation to do so. If you would like to write a Will using this offer, simply fill in the form below.

If you have any questions about making a Will or about leaving a gift to Birmingham Children’s Hospital in your Will, please contact us.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity is committed to making a real difference for the thousands of children and families who access our care every year. We would be delighted to keep you up to date with our latest news, updates, campaigns and appeals.