Here are some office-based fundraising ideas to get you started:

  • Organise a team challenge, such as climbing Mount Snowdon or running a 10k. Not only will you be raising money for us, but they’re also great team-building opportunities
  • If there are any aspiring bakers in your team, organise a cake bake and sell each slice or cupcake for a pound, with all proceeds coming to us. Take it one step further and add a competition into the mix, asking those who think they’re good enough to donate and have their bakes judged to find out who really is the best team baker
  • Organise a raffle. Call in a favour from your contacts to collect prizes and then sell as many tickets as possible to friends, families and even other businesses who may be in the same building as you

Alternatively, you can get in touch with our team and together, we can help create the best fundraiser for your school. You can donate to the appeal online, at our Fundraising Hub in the hospital or over the phone on 0121 333 8506.

Whatever you choose to do, you’re helping us get ever closer to our £1.5million target. Thank you.