Help us reach our target by fundraising in your community.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Put on an event in your local community hall – it could be a gig, a comedy or talent show – and give a portion of ticket sales to us. You could also host a bucket collection at the end to maximise your fundraising
  • Hold a bag packing event at your local supermarket and ask customers to make a donation in return
  • Take part in a challenge event. Whether it’s climbing a mountain or running a marathon, there are plenty of events to sign up to.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with our team and together, we can help create the best fundraiser for you. You can also donate to the appeal online, at our Fundraising Hub in the hospital or over the phone on 0121 333 8506.

Whatever you choose to do, you’re helping us get ever closer to our appeal target. Thank you.

Register your fundraising