A father and daughter from Wolverhampton have walked their way to fundraising success, by taking on two treks as a thank you for the lifesaving care their grandson and nephew, Teddy, received at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. 

Kevin and Natasha Jackson took on Snowdon, followed by the gruelling 100-mile West Highland Way trek, which saw them raise a brilliant £5,300 for their efforts. They were inspired to ‘do their bit’ after Teddy was born with the congenital heart defect, supraventricula tachycardia, a condition that sees the heart rate skyrocket. During one episode, Teddy had to spend two weeks in the hospital’s paediatric intensive care unit (PICU), and is still being monitored at the hospital, but is currently doing very well. 

Kevin and Natasha have always enjoyed walking and rock climbing, so the two treks were perfect, and challenging enough to secure sponsorship. Their training included going on long walks around their local area and parks to make sure they were up for the task. 

When it came to the treks themselves, the duo experienced some intense weather conditions, but despite the rain, the determined father and daughter carried on. Supported by not only their family and friends, but their local community too, including local businesses who chipped in, saw them surpass their initial target of £3,000 and smash through the £5,000 mark too. They were over the moon! 

Kevin said: “We are so proud to fundraise for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity and support the incredible work the hospital does, which included saving my grandson. Taking on the treks was quite the challenge, and we were so relieved when we crossed the finish line, but we are passionate about fundraising and even have our sights on a bigger challenge next year.” 

Miranda Williams, Head of Public Fundraising at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity said: “Kevin and Natasha saw firsthand how difficult it is to have a family member being treated and channelled their fear and emotions into something powerful to help transform lives for others. We are so inspired by their journey and thankful for their ongoing support.” 

If you’d like to fundraise for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, or if you’d like to donate, please visit bch.org.uk or call 0121 333 8506.