A kind-hearted schoolgirl, who made it her mission to do more for sick kids, has raised over £900 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, after hosting a craft stall at local temples.

12-year-old crafting enthusiast, Kathryn Baglee, is passionate about helping others so used her creative talents for good at four crafting events held at different local temples, with the aim of getting other younger children involved too.

After approaching each temple’s committee with her fundraising proposal, Kathryn was granted space in their foyers to host her stall, inviting passing young temple-goers to join in with her activities. For a small donation, children could join her in making exciting creations using loom bands.

To aid Kathryn’s efforts, her parents helped to purchase some colourful, child-friendly keyrings to distribute, which drew passing kids to Kathryn’s stall to take part. Throughout the four crafting events, Kathryn enjoyed chatting to children and their parents about Birmingham Children’s Hospital and why she felt so passionate about supporting its patients.

With a profound desire to do as much as she can to help others, it was Kathryn’s aunt, a student nurse, who inspired Kathryn to fundraise for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity. Having worked shifts at the Children’s Hospital during her placements, Kathryn’s aunt had told her about her time there, particularly treating children with conditions such as Crohn's Disease and Gastroenteritis. Being of a similar age to her aunt’s patients, Kathryn imagined what her life would be like with living with such an illness and this spurred her on to fundraise for the department treating such conditions.

Kathryn’s hard work, determination and creativity helped her to raise over £300 at the temples, but having well and truly caught the fundraising bug Kathryn, also challenged herself to walk 500,000 steps in October, topping up her fundraising total to over £916 for the charity.

Kathryn said: “As well as my aunt, my school-teachers inspire me to help others, as I see how much they help my classmates every day and I wanted to do something to help other people too. I love doing crafts and thought that was something fun I could share with younger children while also raising money for the hospital.”

Miranda Williams, Head of Public Fundraising at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “We loved hearing about Kathryn’s unique and creative fundraiser. It should a lot of ingenuity to get her local temples involved, where she knew there would be so many other children who would want to get involved in helping our sick kids.

“Kathryn’s fantastic fundraising will go on to help us continue supporting brave patients and their families at our hospital.”