A kind-hearted group of volunteers have raised £2,000 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, after organising a dinner and dance charity night, filled with amazing food and entertainment.

Shree Prajapati Association Rugby (SPA Rugby) is a large community-led group - one of thirteen across the country - who specialise in charity volunteering. They have helped endless causes, not just nationwide, but also worldwide, but on this occasion, they chose to support a cause much closer to home.

Over the years, many of the group have had children or relatives treated at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, including one pair who very sadly endured the devastating loss of a child from a rare degenerative disorder. This loss inspired the group to create an event to celebrate the important work of the hospital to help other sick kids.

Collectively, they decided a dinner and dance would be a popular event, so set about organising a venue, a menu and entertainment to inspire and bring the community together for this worthwhile cause. On the night, there were over 100 attendees, who bought tickets to the event and donated generously as collection tins made their way around the venue, which resulted in a fantastic sum of £2,000 being raised, which will make an incredible difference to the patients treated at the hospital.

Ramesh Mistry, from SPA Rugby, commented: “We were so pleased to support such a worthy cause, and are so grateful to everyone who contributed by either giving up their time or putting their hands in their pockets.

“After our event, we were lucky to be given a tour of the hospital by the charity, which showed us the impact that donations have on the hospital and patients. It was very eye-opening and cemented why it’s so important to support those in need.”

Miranda Williams, Head of Public Fundraising at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “We are so thankful to SPA Rugby for supporting our fantastic hospital, spurred on by their own experiences here, as our supporters often are. The funds raised will go towards improving the hospital environment, our access to technology and patient experience, so we can offer better treatments and outcomes for our sick kids.”