The founder of a sports car owners club (SSCCUK) has revved up his members at a James Bond themed-dinner and dance event, helping to raise over £2,356 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity.

Petrol-head Bop Chodda, founded the Sikh Sports Car Club almost five years ago, to network and meet like-minded car lovers. The club, of over 4,000 members, organises regular meet ups, drives and events to showcase their cars and network with likeminded petrol heads, but after the pandemic put a hold to their activity for over a year, Bop decided to reset their events calendar.

As the Sikh Sports Car Club approached their seventh meet (#007) following the pandemic, Bop had the ingenious idea to use 007, the codename for novelist Fleming’s MI6 agent, James Bond, as inspiration, taking the opportunity to turn the event it into something spectacular.

As one of the core values of the Sikh religion is to serve others and help those less fortunate, Bop chose to host the evening in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, hoping to raise thousands for its sick kids.

On the night, Bop’s planning came together seamlessly. 200 paying guests arrived at St John’s Hotel in Solihull, where they were stunned to see real Aston Martin cars displayed inside. They enjoyed a three-course meal at tables named after James Bond films, before being entertained by dancers and musicians, and what 007-themed event would be complete without a casino, all paid for by kind sponsors. Bop’s contacts and members even managed to secure some limited-edition Aston Martin merchandise, which were auctioned and raffled to raise extra funds for the charity.

Bop said: “Membership of the Sikh Sports Car Club spans most of the UK, but in one way or another, supporting a Children’s Hospital Charity seemed to resonate with every single one of our members. We’re so proud to have been able to support such a worthy cause in this way.

“Our 007 Dinner and Dance night was a huge success, and we can’t wait to continue supporting Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity and raising awareness of the work it does in treating the next generation.”

Miranda Williams, Head of Public Fundraising at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “Bop and the Sikh Sports Car Club’s James Bond event was an ingenious idea and we’re so glad it went down so well with its members who gave so generously on the night.

“We’re so grateful for the funds they raised, which will go on to help us do more for the 90,000 sick kids we treat at our hospital every single year.”