Nikki Reynolds, a brave teacher from Tamworth, has chanelled her inner dare devil by abseiling down the iconic Wesleyan building in Birmingham City Centre for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, as a thank you for the lifesaving care her son, Reign, two, has received since birth.  

Soon after Nikki gave birth, she faced the terrifying experience of new-born Reign being blue lighted to Birmingham Children’s Hospital, after it was discovered he had a life-threatening condition known as tracheo-oesophageal fistula and oesophageal atresia, meaning he could not swallow. Reign needed immediate surgery, which lasted a long seven hours, followed by three weeks in intensive care.  

Adding to Nikki’s turmoil was the fact that Reign was born during the pandemic, meaning her oldest child was unable to visit them in hospital. The team on the intensive care unit were particularly supportive and helpful during this time, even sending out cards to her kid to help make the process easier to deal with. Thankfully, Reign is doing much better now, although he is still being monitored at the Children’s, and will likely need further surgery in the future.  

Nikki felt compelled to fundraise for the Children’s Hospital as a thank you for Reign’s care.  She decided to rally all her courage and take on her biggest fear - heights – signing up to the charity’s abseil. On the day, Nikki insisted she was the first person to take on the drop, before her nerves got the better of her, and bravely, yet tentatively made her way down the 95-foot building, cheered on by friends and family. 

Ahead of the abseil, Nikki set up a Just Giving page and shared it on her social media helping spread the word far and wide. In total, she raised an amazing £910, which will make a huge difference to so many kids like Reign. 

Nikki said: "I have a huge fear of heights, so the abseil was genuinely terrifying for me, but just when I thought I couldn’t do it, I thought of Reign, and all the other sick kids cared for by the hospital. They go through so much worse than this. It was just the inspiration that helped me step over the edge.  

“I can’t thank the doctors and nurses for everything they have done for Reign. Without them he wouldn’t be here today, and I am so grateful to be able to give back in this way." 

Miranda Williams, Head of Public Fundraising at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “Nikki’s fundraising is a fantastic example of the bravery our families are capable of. She has endured the tumultuous time of having a child in hospital and has decided to channel her fear into a positive fundraising event for us. We could not be prouder to have supporters like Nikki and her determination to conquer her fears is an inspiration to us all.