A budding young baker has risen to the challenge to do more for sick kids, after selling her creations and raising over £4,000 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity. 

12-year-old Chloe Andrews, from Solihull, caught the fundraising bug five years ago, after her school began raising money in aid of a poorly pupil who was undergoing cancer treatment at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Just seven-years-old at the time, Chloe was inspired to start her own fundraising to benefit all the hospital’s patients, and started baking with her nan, Kath. 

It was around Christmastime, so Chloe and her nan set to work making mince pies for mum, Claire, and Dad, Carl, to take to work and sell for donations to the charity. They went down a storm, so the next weekend, Chloe and her nan set to work again. 

Due to popular demand and Chloe’s desire to help the hospital’s poorly children, she and her nan have opened their at-home bakery every Christmas since, expanding their menu to include brownies, cookies and jam tarts. Last year, the pair started baking as early as October, giving every weekend they had to the cause. 

In a bid to raise even more for the charity, Chloe and her mum Claire, and close friend Natasha, who raises money for breast cancer, decided to host a party for families in the area. A good friend allowed them to host the party at a local social club and within two days of sharing the event on social media, tickets had sold out. They raised £900 at the party and split the proceeds between the charities, adding an extra £450 to Chloe’s five-year total. 

Each year, Chloe has used the money she’s raised to buy toys and presents for the hospital’s sick kids. Last year though, Chloe chose to split her funds between the gifts and supporting play at the hospital, which is important in helping young patients to feel more at ease, less anxious and aids in a quicker recovery. 

Claire said: “From the moment Chloe understood the concept of fundraising and helping others, it’s all she’s wanted to do. She’s so committed to her baking now, that she won’t make any plans leading up to Christmas so that she can make enough for everyone – last year she even started receiving postal orders! I’m so proud of her and her kindness.” 

Miranda Williams, Head of Public Fundraising at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “We’re blown away by Chloe’s dedication, not only for giving up her weekends to bake to raise funds, but for keeping it up for five years in a row! We’re so grateful for her support and know that countless poorly children will have been made to smile thanks to her support over the last few years.”