Lisa - Charlotte's Mum

Charlotte is eight-years-old and is the eldest of her three sisters – Holly (four) and Lyla and Pippa (both one).

Holly and Pippa are regular out-patients at the hospital, therefore Charlotte spends a lot of time at appointments for her sisters. It was at one appointment in February half-term where she designed her entry.

Charlotte loves dancing, gymnastics and going to Brownies. She has a passion in arts and craft and her bedroom is filled with items she has made or designed over the years.

As a keen fundraiser, she has helped raise money for various causes and is a regular member of ‘Up and Downs’ – a local Down Syndrome support group. She has learnt Makaton sign language and has recently started teaching her class the signs at her weekly sessions.

Charlotte entered this competition to raise money for the charity who have helped her sisters so much and wanted “everyone to be proud of her!”

Meet the other Finalists